Midwinter holy days have a special place in my heart. Here in Alaska, the months of December and January roll into one another, days so short and nights so long. 

Celebrating this time of sun return is so important to me and to
This (sub) arctic land we live in.
Growing up I was always appalled at the crazy blatant commercialism surrounding Christmas (and even Hannukah). The idea of Christmas season starting directly after thanksgiving appalled me. I still think that the simultaneous Halloween and Christmas displays are a bit appalling.
But anymore, living so far north, when we see twenty below at Halloween, I yearn for the tree as soon as thankful feasting is done.
The dark and the cold is so very long in duration, and the celebration of interior and internal warmth, light and live is so very necessary at this time of year, that I find myself becoming "that person" who decorates their heart out in the first few days of December. And I enjoy it. It nourishes me.
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