On Sunday, I went to a seed swapping bruch at Maple and Me's. You can admire my valiant restraint as you notice that I only came home with 7 packets of seeds! I should have expected such a thing. Faced with a table full of so many varieties of unprouted plant live, so many different beautifully manifesting hopes for the future, my "I'm not going to plant anything this year except perrenials" somehow evaporated... You see, this summer season is about the deep preparation that will support the next few decades on our land: pigs, pastures, perrenials, prep.... and now peas! Peas give fix nitrogen into poor soils and can be direct-seeded even this far north. And they're yummy. And fairly simple to grow as I recall. So that justifies two of these seed packets.
Another three are flower seeds from a dear friend's garden in Junea (she just happen's to Maple & Me's mother): primroses, day lillies, and blue poppies.
The other two packets I managed to come home with are some beets from Pingo Farm, a local farm that has been breeding vegetable strains from Russian seed stock to do well in our Zone 1 climate. They have sweet peppers and cantelope and watermelon and tomatoes too!!!! Next year. Next year. Not this year.
And I also brought home 9 summer squash seeds. Assuming a 100% germination rate, that's perfect for three mounds, which can be placed away from the pig pen/garden to be, and only require hauling in a pickup truck full of topsoil and/or manure - I'll use the rest to get going on the flower bed by the house. These ones I will start in the house just as soon as I remember to stop by a gardening shop for some good soil. Squash plants in the 4-5 inch range transplanted in late may do well, I'm told. We have one more year's subscription to Calypso's CSA veggie share for this summer - thanks mom! But I find that we never get enough summer squash for the mounded dinner plate full I crave once or twice a summer. Besides which, the freeze well and are great in winter soups.
So that's the story of why I broke down and brought home seeds. That, and despite my place-my-energy-into-prep-work-it-will-pay-off-down-the -road intentions, I really can't quite imagine a summer without something growing which means that I'll likely pick up parsley and calendula and cilantro seeds along with that soil.
In other news, hiding down here at the bottom of the post where the Darlin'Man is least likely to notice it:
There are three birthdays in my family within the next month, so I've been busily contemplating all the things I will make. And then last night I sat down and put a dent in my man's gift. Though, I am a little concerned that I'm losing what little hipster cred I have by opting for nicely, perhaps even traditionally, sized cross stitches as opposed to the oversized one that are popular on design blogs.
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