Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not yet

This little girl was on craigslit a day or two ago, and is now gone.  Its ok, because I don't have a barn to put her in.  She's a 3/4 dexter, 1/4 jersey 2 month old heifer calf.  In other words, she's ideal.  Dexter is the breed I've been thinking about, as they are a small dual purpose breed that thrives on small acreage forage and do well in harsh weather.  Jerseys are the color you see in this lovely little girl above, and have really rich cream that's good for making cheese. 

I never really thought I would want a cow.  But now, I feel that when I have a heifer or a milch cow in my barn, I"ll know I've arrived.

I want a cow for the milk.  I want the milk for the cheese and the yogurt and the whey and the butter, and the enzymes.  I want to lacto-ferment our food, and drink raw milk and make all our own dairy products.  Needless to say, I'm not there.  Not by a long shot.  Not yet.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - we are obviously on the same journey Jasmine. Lovely to meet you.
    Jacqui x
